Thursday, April 29, 2010

Aerobic exercise is all that really matters.

If you want to lose weight go for the Cardio

FALSE. Science no longer supports this claim. Some of the newest information out there proves that Strength training and Metabolic training (High intensity intervals of Strength Exercises and Cardio) have been shown to be much more effective for weight and fat loss than Cardio.

Women who strength train are bound to bulk up.

Exercise helps you sleep better.

If you exercise you will reach your fitness goals

You can eat whatever you want if you exercise enough.

Abdominal exercises will flatten your stomach.

Aerobic exercise permanently speeds up your metabolism.

When it comes to Fat Burning Intensity Matters

Variety Matters

The more you sweat, the more fat you’ll lose.

What is an elliptical trainer?

An elliptical trainer (also called a cross trainer) is a piece of exercise equipment that simulates walking and running with less impact on your ankles, knees and hips.

Elliptical trainers also offer the option of a total body workout by using the handles during exercise.

Is an elliptical better than a treadmill?

Both elliptical trainers and treadmills allow you to perform cardio vascular exercise. This type of exercise raises your heart rate and allows you to burn calories ensuring weight loss. Other advantages to exercising with an elliptical trainer are:

Running and walking on a treadmill are high impact exercises, meaning they place strain on your ankles, knees, hips and back. Elliptical trainers offer a low impact alternative cardio workout.
Elliptical trainers give you the option of having a total body workout so you will burn more calories than you would just running on a treadmill.
Elliptical trainers are specially designed using biomechanics that align your posture correctly when exercising.

What muscles does an elliptical work?

Depending on how you choose to use your elliptical, you can have cardio vascular exercise along with a complete body workout.

If you are using the just the foot pedals, you will work your lower body:

Hip Flexors
By using the handles you engage the muscles of the upper body:

What exercises to perform to strengthen your mid section and core muscles:

Core (stabilizing) muscles.

How do I use an elliptical trainer?

What is a treadmill?

Treadmill is an exercise fitness equipment that allows running or walking indoors, while staying in one place. A treadmill is a motor driven conveyor belt. The speed and elevation (angle) of a treadmill can be adjusted to increase or decrease resistance varying the difficulty of the exercise

Which is better, a treadmill better or an elliptical trainer?

Both treadmills and elliptical trainers allow you to perform aerobic or cardio vascular exercise. This type of exercise raises your heart rate and allows you to burn calories ensuring weight loss. Elliptical machines provide a total body workout as they come with handles and arms to enhance upper body workout as well. On the other hand, treadmills are used specifically for running and walking. Choose between the two based on your specific needs.

What are the advantages of a treadmill over walking?

Advantages to exercising with a treadmill are:

Available 24/7

Configurable Workout

Workout Monitoring

Progress Tracking

Controlled Workout

Treadmills are a good option for people who are recovering from injury as they allow you to control the pace and angle of your exercise.
If you are a dedicated runner, treadmills allow you to chart your distance, speed and heart rate while exercising.
Treadmills allow you to monitor heart rate, calories burned and the distance you run or walk.
Treadmills allow you to vary the speed and elevation of your exercise by pushing a button.
Because they are indoor machines, treadmills can be used year round, and at any time of day or night. Many people prefer this option for exercise in winter months.
Lower Impact
Running and walking outdoors are high impact exercises, meaning they place strain on your ankles, knees, hips and back. Treadmills offer a lower impact option to running or walking outdoors.

First read the instructions that come with your elliptical before using the trainer. This allows you to become familiar with the settings, programs and display information of your elliptical trainer.
Grasp the left handle with your left hand and then place your left foot on the left pedal.
Repeat with your right hand and foot.
While holding on with one hand, adjust the settings and program of your workout.
Slowly start transferring your weight from one foot to the other as if you were walking.
Keep your head up, your back straight and your hands on the handles for support.
FALSE. The harder you work out, the more calories you’ll burn and the more fat you may lose, but sweating isn’t always a reliable indicator of how hard you’re working. Much of this is your unique genetic make up. Any weight you lose through sweating is almost entirely water. You should drink as much water as you think you may have lost in any workout. Water weight loss is dangerous and may inhibit fat weight loss.TRUE. One of the major things that people do wrong exercising on their own is to find a routine and stick with it. The body adjusts very quickly to any exercise routine. Every 6 weeks you need to switch up your routine and do something different to continue to get results. Hire a trainer, go to a new class, take up a new sport, embark on a new program and you will see the results you are looking for.TRUE. Getting out of your comfort zone equals results. The minute you think "Wow, this is getting easier" you need to switch up your routine, timing, or intensity level to continue to burn fat. See variety matters.FALSE. During Aerobic exercise your metabolism speeds up while you’re exercising and for a short time afterward, but it doesn’t stay elevated all day. Add strength training to your aerobic workouts to build calorie-burning muscle while you’re working off excess fat. Metabolic training (High intensity intervals of Strength and Cardio Exercises) has been shown to elevate the heart rate and metabolism for up to 6 hours after your workout.FALSE. Crunches and other abdominal exercises can help strengthen your abs and improve your posture and abdominal tone, but muscle is muscle and fat is fat. If you have extreme abdominal fat, you won’t be able to see your abdominal muscles no matter how many ab exercises you do. You need to watch calories in vs. calories out and work on overall fat burning before you can see muscle definition under the fat.FALSE. If you consume more calories than you burn in a day you’ll gain weight, no matter how much you exercise. One of the big things people do wrong is chow down after a workout. You do need to eat after a workout but, you need to eat a small balanced meal just like you do 5 other times each day.FALSE. You need to identify your goals and make sure that your exercise program is designed to get you to your goals. All exercise is not created equal.TRUE. Regular exercise can help you fall asleep faster and deepen your sleep. Find the time that’s best for you; if you exercise too close to bedtime, you might be too alert to drift off to sleep.FALSE. Thanks to genetics, hormones, and women’s natural body types, most women are unlikely to develop bulky muscles with routine strength training. By strength training you will increase lean muscle mass which can make it easier to maintain a healthy weight. Body weight strength training is the best option for those who feel they may be the exception to the rule.FALSE. A balanced fitness program includes aerobics, strength training, stretching, as well as exercises to improve balance and stability. Some activities give you more than one benefit, for example, walking increases your heart rate while helping maintain balance and building strength in your lower body.TRUE. This is great news so do it! The rest depends on how hard you work. If you are having problems with accountability join a class, small group, workout with a friend or hire a trainer to get you on track. Many people only need a jump start to get them on a regular plan.